This page contains numerous comic book scripts created as writing samples and based on some of the most popular characters in the world.
"What If Uncle Ben Had Lived?" (22 Pages + Synopsis) It's simple. Peter sticks out his leg, trips the burglar, the guard arrests him, and Uncle Ben lives! This minor change comes major consequences. Peter, freed from the burden of being a hero, pursues his wrestling career to superstar heights. But fame and fortune also makes him a target. And when Peter refuses to throw a match for the sinister gangster known as The Fixer, Peter learns the price of fame can be steep... and deadly. |
"The Hunt" (22 Pages + Synopsis) Before he became the Grim Hunter, Vladimir Kravinoff traveled to the Savage Land to prove himself by killing a Tyrannous Rex -- with only a spear! In the process, he becomes involved in a Savage Land civil war against the Neophytes, a mysterious new tribe using advanced weaponry. Vladimir must join forces with Ka-Zar the Savage to stop these vicious killers, but things get complicated when they confront the Neophyte’s leaders: The Savage Land Mutates! |
"Blast From the Past" (22 Pages + Synopsis) Written before the events of the Marvel Civil War, this adventure begins with the mysterious Sphinx who, once again, splits apart into two separate individuals. As a result, all reality is shifted back in time to the day that the New Warriors was founded. Only the original six members (Night Thrasher, Namorita, Nova, Justice, Firestar, and Speedball) know the truth, but not all of them are eager to fix things. Is this a crime, after all, or a chance at a new beginning? |
"The Fall" (8 Pages + Synopsis) Written for the Top Cow Talent Hunt, this story sheds light on the mysterious origins of Tom Judge. Before he was a hard-drinking, foul-mouthed man of the cloth, he was a young, idealist priest on a mission to find the good in all mankind. But when Tom Judge is called upon to perform the exorcism of a young girl, his concepts of good and evil will be questioned, and his actions will mark the beginning of his fall from grace. |
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